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Hi! I'm Brook Blair, LPCC

I enjoy helping others focus on goals and helping them achieve those goals. Counseling individuals to figure out how to live life fully with purpose. To help them know the question is not whether they can or can’t, but how to. Providing the tools, means to accommodate, and strategies to manage to live the life they desire is very humbling and rewarding as a counselor. -Brook

Brook's Purpose Statement: Unveiling Her "Why" as a Therapist

My Inspiration to become a counselor stems from my personal life experience. I had a sound and stable childhood, however from young adult age on have had many challenges. I was a college athlete, am a two time cancer survivor, have experienced divorce, live in a blended biracial family/marriage, am a step mother to 4, was a foster parent for 7 years, am an adoptive parent of a special needs child that was addicted at birth, and have worked in low income high trauma public schools for 20 years. The most rewarding part of being a counselor is knowing that you had a part in affecting the life of another human being. -Brook Blair, LPCC



Age Groups




School Counseling Certified, ECE & 504 ARC Chair-trained & Experience


Medicaid & Selfpay

A Behind-the-Scenes Look at my Experience as a Therapist

Solution focused Therapy is one of my favorites. Instead of focusing on things that can not be changed, focusing on solutions and how to get there together. I treat each client as an individual and tailor the session to their specific needs, as no two clients are alike. I believe educating yourself and using others experience for collaboration makes you a more well rounded counselor. 
-Brook Blair, LPCC

A Memorable Success Story

I had a student that struggled throughout middle and high school with depression and thoughts of self harm. She recently graduated and went to college. -Brook

Maintaining Balance: How I Prioritize Well-Being to Serve Clients, Myself, and My Family

I enjoy down time with my family and friends at the lake, beach, and sporting events. I also try to get some exercise in to help with life balance and overall health. I enjoy kayaking, biking, swimming, and walking. 
-Brook Blair, LPCC

Brook is Here to Help

Interested in seeing Brook as your therapist? Schedule your screening appointment today, and our intake professionals will help determine if Brook is the right fit for you or guide you to the therapist who best meets your needs. 

If you already know you want to see Brook, you can also join her waitlist by clicking below!

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