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Navigating Winter Blues: Understanding Seasonal Affective Disorder by: Erin Purcell, LMFT

Oct 24, 2023
Seasonal Affective Disorder

Hey there! πŸŒ§β„οΈ If you've ever felt the winter months pulling down your mood a tad more than usual, you're not alone. There's actually a name for it: Seasonal Affective Disorder or, fittingly, SAD. Don't worry; it's not just you feeling extra 'blah' when the days get shorter. Let's dive into what SAD is, its signs, and ways to sprinkle a bit of sunshine into those grey days.

What is SAD?
SAD is a type of depression that's linked to seasonal changes. It's most common during the late fall and winter months but can also happen in spring or early summer, though that's rarer.

Am I Feeling SAD or Just Sad?
Here's a quick look at some diagnostic criteria for SAD:

  1. Consistency with Seasons: You experience depression that starts and ends around the same time every year.
  2. Symptom Duration: These feelings last for at least two seasons. If it's just a one-time thing, it might not be SAD.
  3. Change in Desire: A noticeable decrease in interest in activities you usually love.
  4. Craving Carbs: You might notice an increased appetite, especially craving carbs. A few extra cookies? We've all been there.
  5. Sleep Pattern: Oversleeping or experiencing disturbed sleep.
  6. Feeling Heavy: Literal feelings of heaviness in the arms and legs.
  7. Emotional Changes: Feeling hopeless, worthless, or having thoughts of harming yourself.

If it's more than just winter blues...
If you're nodding along thinking, "This sounds too familiar," then it's a good idea to chat with a professional. It's always okay to ask for help, especially if your feelings become too overwhelming.

Sprinkle a Bit of Sunshine into Grey Days

  1. Hello, Sunshine!: Light therapy boxes can be a real game-changer. They mimic sunlight and can brighten up your mood.
  2. Vitamin D Boost: A bit of this sunshine vitamin might help. Always chat with your doc before diving into supplements.
  3. Stay Groovy: Keep a fun routine! Try dancing in your PJs.
  4. Move That Body: A snowy walk or indoor dance party? Both are great.
  5. Virtual Coffee Dates: Connect with pals. Even a quick chat can lift spirits.
  6. Let's Talk: Consider talking to a therapist. They've got great tools to help.
  7. Medication: If the blues get too intense, there are medications to help. Always consult with a healthcare provider.
  8. Chill with Yoga: Yoga or meditation? Both can be soothing for the soul.

Wrap Up
Remember, winter blues can be a bummer, but you're surrounded by a community that gets it. Whether you're dealing with SAD or just missing summer, there's help and support out there. And before you know it, spring will be knocking on your door! 🌸🌼🌞

Author: Erin Purcell, LMFT