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Hi! I'm Kelli Truelove, LPCC

Being a therapist allows me to merge my passions for teaching and aiding others. In the words of Michael Jordan, "I can accept failure, everyone fails at something. But I can't accept not trying." This philosophy underscores my belief in the importance of perseverance and resilience in the therapeutic process. I also advocate for the ability to unplug and prioritize self-care. Utilizing helpful strategies, coping skills, and interventions, I strive to enhance my clients' mental health journey and empower them to thrive.Ā -Kelli

Kelli's Purpose Statement: Unveiling HerĀ "Why"Ā as a Therapist

I can't remember a time when I didn't want to help people. As I got into my teenage years, therapy seemed like such a good fit for my skillset and my desire to help. Being a therapist allows me to combine my great loves -- teaching and helping. I focus on psychoeducation to help clients understand underlying issues, symptoms, and diagnosis. I combine this new knowledge with helpful strategies, coping skills, and applications to improve daily life.Ā -Kelli Truelove, LPCC


Bowling Green & Telehealth

Age Groups

Ā 18+



Gottman Level 1


Medicaid, Selfpay, Commercial, Medicare

A Behind-the-Scenes Look at my Experience as a Therapist

I enjoy Socratic questioning. Using this technique often allows clients time to reflect and inspect their own thoughts and decisions to conclude the helpfulness or unhelpfulness of them.Ā Building connections and listening to help (as opposed to just listening to listen) can be exhausting. I like to spend at least an hour a day in silence to give my brain some recharging time!Ā 
-Kelli Truelove, LPCC

A Memorable Success Story

I had a client that really struggled with interpersonal conflict. They didn't like conflict, but found themselves constantly upset or angry at others. Through a lot of CBT and reflection work, the client realized that they have difficulty accepting anyone else's opinions as valid. That led us to try and understand that concept which helped the client accept that they had some very inflexible thinking and allowed us to work on where this thinking came from, a proper diagnosis, and skills to move forward in her relationships.Ā -Kelli

Maintaining Balance: How I Prioritize Well-Being to Serve Clients, Myself, and My Family

Building connections and listening to help (as opposed to just listening to listen) can be exhausting. I like to spend at least an hour a day in silence to give my brain some recharging time! I believe in being able to unplug when I am spending time with my family. We practice putting our devices away to be present with each other.
-Kelli Truelove, LPCC

KelliĀ is Here to Help

Interested in seeing Kelli as your therapist? Schedule your screening appointment today, and our intake professionals will help determine if Kelli is the right fit for you or guide you to the therapist who best meets your needs.Ā 

If you already know you want to see Kelli, you can also join her waitlist by clicking below!

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