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Hi! I'm Sam Shemwell, LPCA

I am a unique collection of quirks, a vast array of stories, and a masterpiece still in progress. I have a strong passion for dogs! I have two, 13-year-old Claire, a black lab, and 4-year-old Honey, a border collie. I love attending concerts and listening to a wide range of music. My biggest triumph this year is having both my 10 and 13-year-old daughters list me as "cool mom" in their contacts, and I am 97% certain that it isn't sarcasm. -Sam

Sam's Purpose Statement: Unveiling Her "Why" as a Therapist

For as long as I can remember, I have had a strong desire to help others. Initially, I went to college with the intention of pursuing a career in law enforcement, believing that solving crimes was how I would make a difference. However, my personal experience in my own therapy sessions changed my perspective and helped me in so many ways. It made me realize that being a therapist is not so different from being a detective. As therapists, we put on our metaphorical magnifying glasses and dive into the human psyche, trying to unravel the mysteries of people's thoughts and feelings. It's like solving a captivating puzzle, one session at a time. On top of that, human connection is beautiful! My favorite sessions are those where my client and I are both completely present in the moment. So, I chose to go into the mental health field for the messy, beautiful, heart-to-heart moments—the ones that remind us, that we’re all in this wild ride called life together!  -Sam Shemwell, LPCA


Bowling Green and Telehealth

Age Groups




Trauma Informed Approaches


Medicaid & Selfpay

A Behind-the-Scenes Look at my Experience as a Therapist

Silence! So much good stuff comes out when clients are given the space to process. I love to bring silliness into sessions also. Therapy sessions may have tears, but there is also laughter as the relationship between clients and myself develops. In therapy, clients should feel comfortable being themselves and experiencing intense emotions along with lightheartedness. The therapy room is a supportive and uplifting space that belongs to my client.

-Sam Shemwell, LPCA

A Memorable Success Story

A teenager who was experiencing multiple panic attacks per week came to me for help. After getting to know her, I discovered that she was struggling to connect with her body and was often lost in her racing thoughts. To help her, we worked on mindfulness techniques, did yoga, and used somatic techniques. Every week, she would tell me how she felt, and we would adjust our approach accordingly. While some techniques were more effective than others, we continued to build up her toolbox of coping skills and, gradually, her panic attacks became less frequent. Upon her discharge, she was only having one panic attack every 1-2 months. It was very rewarding to see her develop her strengths and become more emotionally stable. Although I provided her with guidance and suggestions, it was her hard work outside of our sessions that led to her transformation.

Maintaining Balance: How I Prioritize Well-Being to Serve Clients, Myself, and My Family

I love my job! However, taking breaks is crucial. I take 10 minutes each day to meditate. On weekends, I try to engage in activities that make me happy, such as hiking, taking my kids to the park, or anything that involves my dogs. -Sam Shemwell, LPCA

Sam is Here to Help

Interested in seeing Sam as your therapist? Schedule your screening appointment today, and our intake professionals will help determine if Sam is the right fit for you or guide you to the therapist who best meets your needs. 

If you already know you want to see Sam, you can also join her waitlist by clicking below!

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